Being Mom,Stepping Out Of the Comfort Zone – Part 1
When I traded my crisply ironed formal suits and formal footwear for a loose t shirt,workout pants and sneakers.
I stepped into this phase with much reluctance ,much anxiety and stress over our financial situation.
My life before motherhood was mechanical and simple. Wake up,Eat,Go to Work,Eat,Relax,Eat and Sleep.See how simple.Nothing complicated .God always fitted in some corner in this cycle.
I thought I was ready,pretty prepared for being mom. I longed for motherhood after having had a previous miscarriage.But man,did Motherhood come with a big bang.
Motherhood, Whoosh,
Decisions,Decisions,Decisions to Make!
Opinions ,Opinions,Everyone has an opinion to share!
Changes ,Changes, Hormones all over the place!.
And I was LOST!
For a very methodical me,this was a little over the top.My mother being such a perfect mom,came in all prepared from India.She got me 2 New Moms Devotionals,Which were my biggest crutches as I came back to reality.She even brought me a working womens Devotional in case I planned to go back to work.My mother ,what can I say,she’s Mom – Perfect,she made sure she got me every resource under the sun to help me get back to being me.
Under much turmoil and prayer, I let go of a life I had known for 6 years.Which I thought, was all who I was,’Engineer’.
Many of my good friends praised me for taking this path,from working professional to stay at home mom.Honestly I didn’t feel all that sacrificial.I always kept second guessing myself, always thinking the grass is greener on the other side.
God used motherhood to break my identity,that I had carefully built over the years as a layer of confidence.
That my worth was not to be determined by my career or how much I made, but from him.
That I had to let go of controlling my situation and to trust him with my everything.
That Faith was to take upper hand over my fears,anxieties and worries.
And most importantly it was about him,His Glory,Relying on him.
The God who calls us out of our comfort and safe zone,cares for the growth of our inner man,not our comforts or our conveniences.Lesson learnt :D.
The God who calls us out of our comfort and safe zone,doesn’t leave us without equipping us.
He’d already provided ,with my supporting encouraging husband,who put up with many of my tantrums and confused days, that is when he earned his now nickname SUPERMAN ;).
Every time this doubting Thomas went back to square one, God wouldn’t fail to reassure by sending a message,a friend ,a song or another mom.
Today as I listen to the message “Going not Knowing” by Chuck Swindoll.In which he talks about Abraham and how he left everything he knew, to obey god.Now 1 1/2 years down this lane.I almost chuckle as I listen to this pod cast.Chuck mentions, God is a God who loves ‘Surprises’.And I think why am I not surprised 🙂
If you’re in a situation out of your comfort zone,Take heart the god who has placed us here is a God who will take us through.
Heb 11:8
8 By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.
8 By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.
I Corin1:9
9 God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
9 God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
As you read this site and posts, I hope it doesn’t give a false image of perfection but the amazing grace of god,which has been flooded into it.
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