The Best Gift You Can Give Your Children This Christmas

Join me in welcoming today’s guest writer Kristi Miller from
The Best Gift You Can Give Your Children This Christmas
By Kristi Miller of
Christmas is one of my favorite times of year. Now that I have a family of my own, it is even more meaningful to me. My toddler has been overwhelmed with excitement by all of the lights, decorations, treats and songs that are hallmarks of this season.
It brings me joy to see such happiness in her, but I know I must take a moment to pause and make sure the reason for the season isn’t lost in a twinkly holiday haze.
She is so impressionable at this age and I know my duty as a parent is to train her in the way she should go and to impress on her heart God’s Word and Christ’s sacrifice. I can tell her the story of Jesus and His birth, read scripture, sing songs and more, but I know I must go beyond that.
Children learn best by doing.
My parents taught me to serve by having me serve. I began at a young age and believe it is such a beautiful gift to impart to our children. I also believe serving others as Christ has called us to do will leave a lasting imprint of faith on our children as they are able to see His hands at work in the lives of others.
But let’s face it. The holidays are busy and adding one more thing that will take us out of our homes just isn’t a priority right now.
Luckily, you don’t have to leave your home in order to teach your children to serve others.
Today, I want to share with you four ways you and your family can serve families and individuals in India this Christmas season. I especially have a heart for children in need, so while I found many options for volunteering, these avenues impact other children so have the added benefit of being more relatable to our own kids and teaching them to be thankful for what they have.
1.Sponsor a Child in Need.
Help them fight against poverty and receive an education. If you are able to afford a dollar or less a day, you can help a family buy food and support a child’s schooling through an organization called Volunteering India. When you sign up to sponsor a child, they’ll send you regular updates, pictures and drawings from the child you are sponsoring to share the progress your assistance has provided. (
2.Help Save Women & Children Sold into Slavery.
India tops the charts for modern day slavery with over 14 million people trafficked according to the Borgen Project ( It is a scary thought, but you can help these women and children by supporting ‘Women At Risk’ in India ( You can read more on their site about a toddler named Sweetie, approaching her 3rd birthday this January, who is being held captive in West Bengal to be used as a sex slave. We are praying she will be released, but WAR needs more help to free her and countless other children and women in bondage.
3.Crowdfund a Child’s Medical Care or Build a Church.
Whether it is a new church being built or a child in need of a wheelchair, if you or someone you know in India has a need, you can sign up to garner additional support through crowdfunding at India Christian Ministries. This idea really brings volunteering into the 21st century (
4.Spread God’s Word & Be a Voice for Other Volunteers.
You can spread the word online, in your church or community about the needs throughout India by partnering with Faith Gospel Ministries. They have amazing projects in the works- from helping orphans and others in need, to clean water projects, medical camps, church planting and more. They are eager to spread Christ’s message throughout India and could use your help. (
If you are looking for additional ways to serve families and individuals throughout India, please let me know and I would be glad to help.
Give your child the gift of service in Christ this Christmas!
Happy holidays & God bless. ☺