Book Review: Home Education Series:Charlotte Mason – Volume 1 – Home Education – Part 2

Volume 1 deals with educating children under the age of nine Years In Volume 1 in the second part of the book Charlotte Mason Talks about education,narration and the lessons that are taught for this age group. Click here to watch the Video About Education: CM education emphasis on nurturing a reading child. Charlotte Mason education emphasis on the importance

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Favorite Educational Books – I can read-Level 1 – Preschool and Kindergarten

Disclaimer: I do not own most of these books.Most are a part of us, thanks to our local library. There are tons of Level one books and the choices can be overwhelming. What we truly love about these authors is the simple story telling these are not unconnected beginning readers. But simple story /concept.containing a sentence or two a page.

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DIY Interactive Christmas Story Book

I ve always wanted to make something interactive for my children to understand the nativity story. I free handed all the drawing from some leftover paint from my sons painting. Needed: Cerealbox cardboard Hard cardboard from packages for book Black craft paper White printer paper Brown craft paper Paint Popsicle sticks Ribbons Glue How to: Paint the characters on the

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Texture board – Hands on Learning

A good way to learn textures or properties of a material, is making it hands on. These are the textures you can teach with this texture board: Rough smooth Hard Soft Bumpy Smooth Feathery Fluffy Shiny(property) Needed: Cardboard Pom Pom Feather Sandpaper Diary milk wrapper Soft cloth Craft stick Sequins Procedure: Glue the various textures to the cardboard and label

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Some good Youtube learning for kids

Watching TV which is educational benefits and also relaxes.Here are a few we love at our home Mother Goose Club: Loved their videos vivid,clear and eye catching videos.They are absolute favorite for nursery rhymes.And the best part is it has less animation. Dream English: Our favorite learning materials are ones done by Dream English.The videos are very kid friendly,unique and

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