Book Review: Children’s LITeratUre: Eight Cousins by Louisa May Alcott

Recommended age:Middle Schoolers ,High Schoolers and Parents Eight cousins is a heart warming tale about a healthy and happy Rose Campbell who is raised by her uncle Dr.Alex Campbell on unorthodox ideas of child rearing.The story revolves around the parenting of this little girl and her adventures with her cousins. As with all Louisa may Alcott books,the story is entertained

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Book Review: How to Ruin Your Child in 7 Easy Steps: Tame Your Vices, Nurture Their Virtues – by Patrick Quinn (Author), Ken Roach (Author)

An absolutely unique and practical book in a not preachy way. Lets be honest our children emulate what we as parents actually practice. So what better way to correct a child but by working our own weaknesses.   I m not saying this book is for perfect parents or that it will make us perfect parents,personally for me this book

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