The True Spirit of Christmas! Serving during the Holiday Season!

Growing up,I grew under the tutelage of 2 amazingly strong godly women.One being my mother and the other being my aunt,both stay at home moms.I grew up seeing their real acts of service.
My earliest memories of service ,was their visit to the government hospital(usually a place where the underprivileged get treated) in our very very small town.They would pray for the health of the newly delivered babies and for all the people in the ward.I still remember my aunt holding a tiny baby and asking if she could pray for the mom and child.As we moved to the next bed,there were a group of youngsters ,truck drivers.they were visiting their friend a young truck driver who had gotten into a minor accident.I was definitely reluctant now,were we going to ask them if we could pray for them?Trust my aunt to move boldly for god,she went right on ahead to make inquiries on their accident and their family.Asking them to be careful and asking if she could pray for them.I was aghast and hoping they wouldn’t scoff us off.But ,but amazingly,those young men every one of them, bowed down and prayed.
This was truly my first lesson,appearances and fear keeps us from reaching out to people,for fear of rejection.But this iron lady my aunt proved she would obey no matter what.
Her sewing machine laden with children’s clothes for the poor.
My aunt and my uncle working for disabled children,sitting and painting the crafts created by disabled children,so these could be sold and the proceeds for their benefit.
My aunt, today, is no longer is with us,but her acts of service that she left etched on my young mind years ago,is fresh and inspiring.
Christmas is truly a Season to be Jolly,the beautiful Christmas tree at the corner of the living room,the hanging stockings,nativity scene below the tree,new clothes and great food.
Along with these,this Christmas, lets add one more to the list ‘servitude’
Acts 20:35 (NKJV)
35 I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”
Stay at home mom, the amount of time that could be used to serve people is amazing!!So seize the opportunity.
Stay Tuned Next week for 7 Easy Service Opportunity Ideas for Busy/Young Moms