Preconceived Notions

Preconceived Notions
Have you ever felt this walking into a new project making comparisons with old familiar environments.
Human nature.
I m right now in between seasons of change,honestly I don’t feel all that confident.I’ve been comparing the present and constantly grumbling on how the future would not be as great as the present.Talk about Pessimism
The Israelites were extremely oppressed in Egypt,their affliction grew so great that god intervened and brought them out of slavery.
And here they were as free people and at the first sign of trouble the slavery of Egypt became paradise.
Exodus 16:3
3 And the children of Israel said to them, “Oh, that we had died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the pots of meat and when we ate bread to the full! For you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger.”
Interesting how familiar surrounding become heaven and we forget the goodness of the lord.
When we start new projects or if god calls us on a new adventure are we people who like to keep reminiscing the past and keep comparing the past with the future.And hence stop progressing forward.Do we hinder ourselves in enjoying the present,god has graciously given to us.
Do we hinder /stop the blessings flowing to us,with complaints.
Do we come in with preconceived notions of what we want god to do for us?Or are we ready to step out in faith?
Are you willing to let go in abandon all your hopes and desires and take on this wild one of a kind ride he has prepared for you?
Will you trust him knowing he is a god who can be trusted just as in the past?
Will you stop comparing and complaining?And move forward with Faith?