Favorite Educational Books – Author Eric Carle — Part 1

Disclaimer: I do not own most of these books.Most are a part of us, thanks to our local library.
Eric Carle ,I have no words to express my adoration for this writer.
As an avid reader,I m always reading to my little one.
We came across Eric Carle’s books and fell in love with them.These are truly a treasure.
They are wonderful for Preschoolers and Toddlers.
Now available on Amazon.Some of these books have deals of 30-50% off this week.
1.Mister Sea Horse:
Is probably my little one’s very favorite.He Loves this beautiful peekaboo book.He gets all excited as we open the page to discover a hidden fish.
Learning Concept:This Book has a lot of Fishy facts
2.The Very Hungry Caterpillar:
The absolute classic and for a very good reason. Beautiful Toddler book.As the caterpillar ate through the food,my little one loved putting his fingers in where it ate.
Learning Concept:It teaches Food,Numbers,Counting
3.Roosters Off to see the World/1, 2, 3, to the Zoo: A Counting Book :
Both are beautiful Number learning books.I cant make up my mind on which I love best. 1,2 ,3 to the zoo would be a great option for toddlers and Rooster off to see the world for Preschoolers.
Learning Concept: Teaches Numbers and Animals
4.The Mixed up Chameleon:
Yet another favorite,I loved the unique concept and the story telling.
Learning Concept: Teaches Colors and Animals
Moral Learning: “To Love who you are”,This is something that i would love to instill in my children,that they have to be happy for who they are and to not make comparisons with others.And acknowledge and love the best in them.
5.A House for Hermit Crab:
Yet another unique and beautifully illustrated story.This has been a pretty long read but I have seen my little one quietly listen through this big book.
Learning Concept: Teaches creatures of the ocean and months of the year.
Moral Learning: To not be afraid of change to look at as opportunity to try new things.
Yet another beautiful lesson that I’d love for my little one to learn while he is young.
6.From Head to Toe:
This book would be a great read with older kids where you can get them to imitate the action.
And wonderful book for rainy days to use for gross motor skill activity.
Learning Concept: Teaches Animals,parts of the body and Actions
7.The Clumsy Click Beetle:
Beautiful sound book with a well told moral story.Little loves hearing the sound of the beetle
Learning Concept: Teaches Animals
Moral Learning: Try ,Try and you will succeed.
8.The Very Busy Spider:
A great touch and feel book .A great toddler book.
My little learnt most of his animal sounds from this book.
Learning Concept: Teaches Animals and their sounds
9.Little Cloud:
A beautiful story of a Cloud that Keeps Shifting form.
Learning Concept: Teaches Objects and Animals
Disclaimer: All images in this post belong to their respective companies.
The opinions opinions shared in this post are my own.