DIY Interactive Christmas Story Book

I ve always wanted to make something interactive for my children to understand the nativity story.
I free handed all the drawing from some leftover paint from my sons painting.
Cerealbox cardboard
Hard cardboard from packages for book
Black craft paper
White printer paper
Brown craft paper
Popsicle sticks
How to:
Paint the characters on the white sheet.I did it using qtips.
Cut them and stick on black paper optional I did this to make it vivid.
Stick the characters on cereal cardboard and cut them out.
Draw and cut Silhouttes of camels and donkey.
Glue characters and animals to popsicle sticks.
Cut out strips of ribbon to create holders.
Glue the ribbons in appropriate places on hard cardboard
Glue popsicle sticks on hard cardboard to create the stable.
Now we are ready for our nativity story.
Read the Christmas Story:
Birth of Jesus and Shepherds visit –Part 1
Birth of Jesus and Magi visit –Part 2