New Facebook group – Early childhood – Hands on learning

Dear all,
I have created a closed Facebook group : Early childhood – Hands on learning
This will target learning through play and hands on learning.
Here are few of my beliefs:
Fun and learning should be accessible and affordable to every child.
Early learning setsup our children for success.
And that there is no such thing as too much education.Knowledge is like an ocean.As parents we have the opportunity to inspire our children to enjoy learning new things.
I created this group to create a safe environment where we can share our knowledge ,ask questions and share what we create for our children.In short a knowledge sharing space.
The age group we are targeting here is 1- 5 year old.
We will be sharing frugal activities ,do it your self’s and affordable fun.
I welcome all of you.
This group is an extension of the Facebook page godlyindianmom.