7 Classic movies for children to enjoy this Summer

Summer is a good time to relax and unwind.
I selected a few movies that were classic which I ,myself enjoyed as a child.We enjoy watching these as a family
Tip :how to engage a young child in the classics – we watch only the songs first ,then the following week we watch the movie while we talk and discuss the movie.
The most important tip :Be enthusiastic its infectious.When we enjoy things our children enjoy them as well.
1.The Wizard of Oz.
The classic that never gets old and with good reason.
My preschooler and toddler love this one the best because its full of songs.
An adventure movie that is fast paced.
Little children enjoy this for the upbeat songs and colorful visuals.
2.Mary Poppins
My children love this movie because it a mix of reality and animation.
This story is a journey of a nanny and her two wards.
A unique blend of fun songs.And the boys go on and on dancing to “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”
3.Bednobs and broomsticks
A fun comedy .
Follow along this story as a witch and three children adventure through the animate seas and the jungle.
The movie has a mix of reality and animation.
This combination always seems to be a hit with my children.
Throw in a farm and farm animals that speak ,you can’t enchant a child better than that.
5.Pete’s dragon
A fun adventure movie of a little boy and his dragon friend.
We love the 1977 version.
This is yet another wonderful musical.
6.Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
A fun musical for car lovers.
The adventures that a family has on a car that flies.Magical!
Dick van dyke is truly a humorous comedian.
7.Sound of music
I ve put this last in my list as my children are young.
They enjoy the songs but it might take them some time to understand the story.
Disclaimer:All pictures in this post belong to their respective companies.