I have often been asked how I do my book reading. And since recently a young cousin of mine asked me the same question I thought Id make a video on the same. My hope is it that it would encourage you to read and enjoy it thoroughly.
On the broad note I want to admit I don’t watch TV. And I do try to curb tech as much as I can because honestly I would be cramped for time if I didn’t.
I try to set categories of books and try to read one page a day. So if I had 3 books having 250 pages or so I would read 3 pages per day and in a year I would be able to finish 3 books. Reading a few books to me seemed to be better than reading no books at all.
I try to read in the morning, late night and during my breaks when I m not working on the channel.
Here is how my categories would look like. Feel free to make your own categories. Choose categories you really love and want to know more about. And its okay to chuck a book when you don’t like it. On a light note I’d love to encourage you to read widely and deeply, read to make a difference in your life .A Most Importantly HAVE FUN while doing it.
English Literature: 1984
Science: Stiff
History/Tamil : Napoleon
Christian: Pilgrims Progress
Saturday Reading List: Fiction and Biography
Sunday Reading List: Only Christian Books like Christian history and biography
I highly recommend listening to this episode by well known author N.D.Wilson as you choose books for yourselves and your children
Click Here to listen to the episode Stories are Soul Food- Picky Eater
Favorite apps: My library app to keep a note of the books I read or have read .OR you can also keep them in a notepad