Homeschool: Favorite Podcasts

Sharing all my favorite podcasts Today. You can find all the links below

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Small Devotional

Solid Joys by John Piper

Things unseen by Sinclair Ferguson

Steadfast Hope by Steve Lawson

Ultimately with R.C.Sproul

Long devotional

Dr Barnhouse and the bible by Donald Barnhouse

The Bible study hour by Dr.James Boice


Luther in real time by Ligonier


The well read poem by Thomas Banks

Book discussions:

Literary Life by Angela Banks

Stories are soul food by N.D.Wilson

The Great Books by National Review

Novel conversations by  Frank Lavallo


Notes from the field by  Will Boyd and Dr. Gordon Wilson


5 minutes in church history by Stephen Nichols

The Rest is History by Tom Holland


Every believer confident by Mark Farnham

Zero Compromise by Answers in Genesis

Stand To Reason by Greg Koukl


Short Answers on Theology

Simply put by  Ligonier

Ask Ligonier by Ligonier

Current Events and World View

Good fellows by Hoover Institution broadcast

Grand Tamasha by Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

World View with Suhasini Haider by The Hindu


Babylon Bee

US Politics:

Washington Watch by Tony Perkins

The World and everything in it

Homemaking ,Marriage ,Womanhood

Come over for dinner by Bess Hawthorne

Date night with the woods by Tony and Bre

Femina by Nancy Wilson

Thankful Homemaker by Marci Ferrell

Girl talk

What have you by Rebekah Merkle and Rachel Jankovic

Sheologians by Summer Jaegar and Joy Temby

Elizabeth Elliot Podcasts by Elizabeth Elliot foundation

Mother of all podcasts:

Bar Podcast

Other Good Podcasts I listen to

Mortification of Spin

Theology on them Go