New Beginnings! Planning your new year!

Love the New Year.
New things to do!
New Targets to reach!
New Goals to achieve!
Another Year to better ourself.

So how do we go about it productively:
1)Write down all the things you were thankful for the previous year:
Counting our blessings.Makes us richer than we can imagine.

2)Write down your achievements:
What were few things that you wanted to achieve last year and achieved.
If you did,Give yourself a pat.If not,do not worry you have this year to achieve them 🙂

3)Target three things you want to focus this year
Purposefully target the things you want to do this year,being intentional motivates us to towards success.

4)List in 3-5 steps on how you would reach your new goals:
Writing down how you’d like to acheive those goals makes you to focus on the goal.And helps you to establish deadlines and to become disciplined.

5)Commit it to god:
At the end of your list prayerfully commit all your goals to god.

I hope you will have a blessed 2015.

