Rogani Kumbh

Heres my take on the Rogani Kumbh.My boredom for having the same recipe for mushrooms, lead me to this dish.I ve tweaked the recipe to the ingredients I had at hand.
To Grind in a Mixie:
1 handful small onions/shallots
2 medium tomatoes
5 cloves of garlic
1 inch ginger
1 green chilli
Whole Garam masala:
1 small piece cinnamon stick
2 cloves
2 cardamom
1 bayleaf
Powdered spices:
1/4 tsp turmeric
1 tsp cumin powder
1 tsp coriander powder
1/4 -1 /2 tsp red chilli powder
2 cups Mushroom
1/4 cup green bell pepper
4 tbsp thick Yogurt
In a pan heat oil,add the whole garam masala and saute for 2-3 mins
Add the ground mixture and the powdered spices and cook until oil oozes from the mixture 10-15 mins approx
Add the mushrooms and bell pepper.Cook until the mushrooms become tender.switch off the flame
Finally add the yogurt and stir it well