Prayers for Dads – Father’s Day Specials

Hey Moms,
We are so lucky to have these men our husbands in our life.With this month featuring Fathers Day.I ask you to pray especially for your husband.I m dividing the payer into thankful and intercessory prayer.
Thankful Prayer:
Write down all the things you are thankful for in your husband and thank the Lord for them.
Lord we are thankful for these men in our lives.
Thank you that you’ve placed them to be the head of our house.
We thank you for them being godly men and living their lives righteously.
We thank you for their hard work that puts a roof over our heads and food for our stomachs.
We thank you for them being a wonderful father as they help us raise our children for you.
We thank you for them being a wonderful husband and the beautiful companionship that they provide.
We thank you for their strengths that beautifully balances our weaknesses.
We thank you for their active involvement in their children’s lives.
We thank you for their support in each and every endeavor we their wives pursue.
We ask in Jesus Name. Amen.
Intercessory Prayer:
Write down any needs he has and pray about them.
Lord,we ask these for our husbands.
We pray that you will bless him with Good health and strength.
We pray that you will draw him close to you ,to follow you closely.
We pray that you will guard him as he goes out and comes in.
We pray that you will be the strength of his heart when we their wives fail.
We pray that you will bless them with success in everything that they do.
We pray that you will bless them with a heart of integrity so their children may see a great role model.
We ask in Jesus Name. Amen.
Now hand them to your husband.Let them know how much you mean to them and that you are praying for them.
Finally Wish your loving man “A VERY HAPPY FATHERS DAY”
May God be with you and your family.