Dissatisfaction Guaranteed:The Comparison trap

As Christians we fall prey to ‘The What about him/her Question’?

What happens when aligning yourself to god’s will you are downsized?

You are aware that everything works out according to his good purpose,
And then you see your neighbor waltz past the same situation and do it differently.

Downsized? Definitely not!

And you wonder,why can’t it have been the same for me..Human reactions come to play – Anger ,Envy, Frustration, Self Pity .

And you focus on why it’s different for them.
You rail against God.What about him?

While I was thinking along the same lines.

I came across this interesting scripture between Jesus and Peter,where he asks the same ‘What about him Lord?’

John 21:20-22
20 Then Peter, turning around, saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following,
who also had leaned on His breast at the supper, and said,
“Lord, who is the one who betrays You?” 21 Peter, seeing him,
said to Jesus, “But Lord, what about this man?”22 Jesus said to him, “If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you?
You follow Me.”

God Tells him to stop focusing on his neighbor John,And asks him to follow him.

He repeats the same command he gave him,the first time he met him.”YOU FOLLOW ME”.

Matthew 4:18-20
18 And Jesus, walking by the Sea of Galilee, saw two brothers, Simon called Peter,
and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen.
19 Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
20 They immediately left their nets and followed Him.
Peter’s uncertain future,made him want to question his neighbor John’s path.

Does it look like you’re on the fast track to failure?Do you feel like its unprofitable?Do you feel uncertainty?
Are we in a rush, to rush god into what we think is right for our life,thinking we know better than he does?
Do you know the epilogue to Peter’s life: Through him was laid the foundation of the Christian Church,through him the gospel became accessible to the Gentiles.

Had Peter wished to sit and ponder on his neighbors path or life.He wouldn’t have been a history maker.

Mom ,god has already predestined the path for you,as you faithfully walk in alignment with his will and his word.He is a god who sees and he sees you.Your sacrifices ,your obedience isn’t hidden from him.You are called to Follow him,yes the path may not be easy,the distractions of the world may entice you to conform to the patterns of the world or to the pattern of your neighbor.Remember your command “You follow me”.

I love this encouraging quote by Lysa

You are NOT cast aside today. You are set apart.
You are being prepared for a high calling.
Use this time to grow deep roots to hold you firm for your noble assignment.
Our Holy King knows you by name and is wooing you to get ready.

But don’t waste your getting ready place hoping for tomorrow to come quickly.
Embrace the place in which He’s planted you and bloom today

What a beautiful Hope to wait on the Lord and know hes working a masterpiece on us in this waiting/unclear phase.
