Guest Post – Homeschooling Preschool – Teaching 2’s and 3’s

A home school mom friend of mine has been kind enough to share her preschoolers journey.
For Privacy’s sake the name has not been disclosed.
We are thankful for this mom’s effort in sharing her wisdom and experience.
And hope this post would be helpful for you.
Home-schooling my 2 year old
When I home school my 4 year old (Anna) my 2 year old (Esther) usually plays with her toys. I had segregated her toys in such a way that she gets one toy to play during home schooling hours and then I would put it away.
When Anna does her Bible lesson Esther also joins and I give equal importance to both during that time.
She enjoyed the singing time where she has learnt many scripture tunes along with Anna.
She was also very enthusiastic with the action songs.
When I used to do a poem or a story for Anna which was part of her lesson, I would have Esther sit on my lap and see the pictures and I used to present the lesson to both Anna and Esther.
Also when I was doing flash cards for words and number with Anna, Esther joined in.
I don’t know how much it helped but when Esther was two and a half she showed interest in studies.
The following is what I did for her for the next six months.
Esther is 3 now, Looking back the simple activities of the past 6 months have given her a good foundation for the coming year.
Memorising Bible verses
Songs & Hymns
Numbers 1-10 & Counting.
Pattern writing.
Art and Craft .
When I started giving Esther her studies to do she felt very special and important. She was very sincere in her little work.
She has learnt many songs and about 5 hymns (some words are not clear but she has caught the tune) recites psalm 23, 1,and 15 in English.
psalm 121 in Tamil.
and about 20 scriptures in tune
1-10 flash cards & Counting
Alphabet colouring
Line and pattern writing
(I used a periwinkle pattern writing book)
Alphabet tracing(large) from measured mum
Alphabet picture book (sticking pictures in her alphabet book)
Circle, square, Rectangle, triangle
Shapes recognition
shapes scrap book
shapes construction with ice cream sticks
Colours scrap book