Book Review: Home Education Series:Charlotte Mason – Volume 4 – Ourselves

Volume 4 is essentially a character training manual.
It would be a great read to do with middle schoolers/high schoolers because it teaches morals and ethics.
The first part of the Book Book 1 is for children under the age of 12.
The second part of the book book 2 is for older children
She presents this volume in a style similar to John Bunyan’s Pilgrims progress .
She takes us on a tour into man’s soul.
She talks about the potential that each one of us have.
She likens man’s soul to a wealthy kingdom ruled by the lords who are virtues and their respective Daemons.
Like example love when channelized correctly can help people by being empathetic and sympathetic,
That same love when not channeled properly can turn into self pity and self love/vanity
And how habits are good servants but a bad master.
I found this volume very fascinating because it is about ethics and morals.
Even adults will find this book very useful because this is a moral learning book.