Book Review: Complete Works Of William Shakespeare by William Shakespeare

Recommended: High School,Young Adults,Adults

As an easterner I was wondering how I would be able to relate with a western shakespeare and thats where I was truly wrong.

My goal for last year was to read Shakespeare and to truly understand why it was admired by many.And I understood it for the first time.Shakespeare brings out everyday emotions and showcases them beautifully in his plays.
I was always very intimidated to read Shakespeare that really changed once I got hold of Tales from Shakespeare by Charles Lamb and Mary Lamb.My suggestion would be to read the retelling from <Charles and Mary lamb> and then dive into the play.

What makes Shakespeare very popular is that his plays are relatable with the everyday emotions(reminds me much of Indian soaps – drama ) like 

Jealousy – Othello

Greed — Merchant of Venice

Anger /Justice –  Titus Andronicus (Violence), Rape of Lucrece

Revenge – Hamlet

Family Feuds ,Romance – Romeo Juliet

Abuse of Elderly parents – King Lear

Ambition – Macbeth

Comedy – Comedy of Errors

Fiction – The tempest, MidSummer nights Dream

Carelessness – Timon of Athens

Historical plays – Henry V1

I so loved reading the historical plays and hence got to understand some of England’s history.

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