Book Review: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Last Battle by C. S. Lewis

Recommended : Middle School, High school, Young Adults, Adults
Somehow this comes to haunt me in my memory and unfortunately hate to play favorite with the Narnian books, because I love all of them differently.
The Story follows Tirian and his defense of Narnia as it begins with a fake Aslan which brews turmoil with true and false Narnians as merges happen between Narnia and Calormen. Jill Pole and Eustace Scrubb are summoned to Narnia from London to help Tirian.
The book is a never ending insight in todays world and culture where truth is increasingly become irrelevant. Unfortunately 2+2=4 and anyone who feels one cant have the answer or believes no one can know the answer , is the only one who doesn’t know it .Truth is objective at all times unfortunately since sooner or later we always meet the consequences of the truth and it always comes out as bright as day.
I love the last scene between Aslan and the dwarfs which was sad but also very understandable.
Theological Undercurrents – Eschatology