My weight loss story :)
When I began my pregnancy I started out at 110 lbs.I m fairly a petite person.
Today I have reached 110 lbs.I bet you want to know my secret.
Today I have reached 110 lbs.I bet you want to know my secret.
1.I started eating right even during my pregnancy I wanted to stay within the acceptable weight limit 25 – 30 lbs.So right before my son was born I was 137 lbs.
Eating right meaning no junk..only healthy fruits and veggies.
2.You lose at least 7 pounds during pregnancy.
3.I breastfed my little boy for 8 months during which I never dieted or worked out.I wish I had started working out a little earlier.
4.while I was down to one feed.I started out on moms into fitness diet for a month.I have to say that’s where I shed a lot of pounds combined with workout.(Ps.This is free)
5.I’ve never worked out in my life so I started with 10 mins per day and gradually worked up. Its better to do something than nothing.
6.I love use jillian michaels, fitness blender, cafe mom etc.I just can’t stick to a single routine as I tend to get easily bored.
7.Investing in weight watchers is a gift every mom must give herself.
8.I ended getting 2 of my wisdom tooth extracted.A week of being not able to eat anything other than mashed potatoes got me down on mark :D. Now this I wouldn’t consider a part of my plan. I was very stressed before and after my extraction, however now after looking at my weight I see this as a blessing in disguise.
As moms we need to strive to maintain our god given bodies.Maintenance also brings confidence.And a great body does not come by sitting on the couch.No pain No gain.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
New International Version (NIV)19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.