Indian Style Roast Chicken

I’m thankful to my cousin for this simple and very tasty recipe.It makes an easy to make dinner for rush days. Ingredients: For Marinade 1-1/2 tbsp Ginger Garlic paste(To make 1tsp ginger garlic paste you need 1/2 tsp ginger paste,1/2 tsp garlic paste) 1/4 tsp turmeric powder 1 tsp coriander powder 1/2 tsp chilli powder 1/2 tsp cumin powder 1

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Bacon Roasted Turkey

I got a small bird for our small family.With a lot of help from my other mom and the Internet I combined the many approaches and got one satisfying roasted bird. Whole Turkey  – 8 Lbs Turkey Brine Ingredients– Indian Style:(You may need only half of this mixture) 1 1/2 Orange  Quartered 1 1/2 Lemon  Quartered Salt Generously 1/2 tsp Pepper Corns 3/4 tsp

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