Book Review:Invisible Wounds by Melinda Means

This year I got be a part of yet another amazing book.
A book which is near and dear to my heart.
Being a huge fan of the author Melinda Means who writes transparently and most importantly led by the spirit.
She shares her own faith journey with her ongoing battle with autoimmune disorder.
This book will be a balm to the hurting.
In life we go through some seasons tougher than some others.
God seasons his saints through some of these tough seasons and circumstances.
When your faith is challenged and
If you’re in the middle of why me?
And wondering Why god?
If you re feeling lost and wondering are you there god?
Then this book is for you.
As the name aptly means invisible wounds we all carry our fair load of invisible hurts:dysfunctional families,illness we don’t talk about,children with needs,abuse and many more.
The book shares life stories from a few courageous women who have taken time to share their faith experience.
This is a book which will draw you nearer to god ,give you hope and grow your faith.
Here are a few of my favorite quotes:
Click here to read about “mothering from scratch” written by the same author .