LIVING HOMESCHOOL HISTORY:Book Review:Freedom at Midnight – Dominique Lapierre & Larry Collins
Recommended for: High schoolers
This book talks from the view point of Last Viceroy Mountbatten. We get to have a glimpse of how 1946-1948 looked like and to better understand personalities of 3 prominent men – Gandhi ji,Nehru ji and Viceroy Mountbatten.
We get a understand:
- The Circumstances by which the British were ready to let go of their very profitable colony India
- The communal riots of 1946 and 1947,
- The discussion for setting up a new Country ,
- The fight for Pakistan,
- The Independence day – August 15 1947,
- The ascension of the princely states into India,
- And the book ends with the Assassination of Gandhiji.
Additional Information:
1946 Riots – Nookhali September–October 1946
On the 16th of August, 1946, the Muslim League called for a “Direct Action Day”. Its leader, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, proclaimed that we shall have “either a divided India or a destroyed India”.He was not a believer or practitioner of Islam, although his sister Fatima claimed that he died with the confession of the faith on his lips.
1947 Riots – Punjab – 4 Muslims babies found roasted in the pits.Suicide of sikh women to escape from rape by muslims.Train compartments flowing with Blood on trains from Lahore and Amritsar.
Jammu masacre – September to November 1947
Additional information on list of massacres in India