Bible Study Tools: MacArthur Study Bible

Last video for the Lenten. A review of my favorite Study Bible MacArthur Study Bible. I use the NKJV.
If you are interested in understanding the different versions of bible translations I encourage watching this video.
As a personal preference I prefer the literal word to word translations so I use mostly KJV, NKJV and NASB .
I highly recommend the study bible. Study bible really really helps. And it is a very very good investment. It helps to understand when a book was written and by whom ,the the century and culture at the time of the writing, where we can find further information, the correct context especially with the epistles who it’s written to ,and why they wrote what they wrote.
Click Here to watch the MACARTHUR STUDY BIBLE Review
Some very good options for Study Bibles are : Reformation Study Bible, Life Application Study Bible, Study Bible from Tyndale, Thomas Nelson and Zondervan. One can see on YouTube how they look inside. Also one can order them online in Amazon.
My Method of Highlighting:

My Favorite Highlighters and Pens: