Recommended Age: Middle school, High School and Young Adult
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I was fascinated to read Plato because I wanted to read western philosophy and hence I got into reading the dialogues which are smaller works of Plato and it was really pleasant to realize it was short ,understandable and thought provoking. It was interesting to read ancient wisdom and realize how much has been passed on from century to century.
If you are intimidated by Plato, Apology by Plato is a great place to start. Apology deals with Socrates execution for being a public nuisance. Plato expressed many of his ideas using the voice of Socrates.
Apology – deals with the charges against Plato’s teacher Socrates and his execution.
Meno – deals with virtue
Phaedo – deals on the Soul
Euthyphro – deals on Justice
Symposium – deals on love and desire
Crito – On Justice, Injustice and response