Homeschool: 7 reasons why you shouldn’t homeschool or it may not be ideal for you

Watch the Full Review Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 1:8 “Hear, my son, your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.” 1.Spouse is not into homeschooling – This is the biggest reason why one shouldn’t homeschool. If your partner

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Book Review: The Book of Indian Birds by Salim Ali – Naturalists Books INDIA

I was inspired to read naturalists book thanks to Charlotte Mason.In reading naturalists book we can learn a lot about flora, fauna ,topography,geography.Since the author ,the naturalist, is passionate about his area of interest,there is never a dull moment reading their accounts.By the end of reading their book we would have acquired knowledge and would be inspired by their love

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Book Review: Home Education Series:Charlotte Mason – Volume 3 – School Education – Part 2

Volume 3 deals with teaching children between 9-12 Years In Volume 3 Charlotte Mason Talks about: 1.Need for Inactivity on the part of the teacher and encourages parents to trust themselves more 2.The method by which the children are educated – by using living books and things(hands on activities) 3.On how to identify a living book 4.On allowing the living

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Vacation(Summertime) Activities – India – A guide to puzzles

Hello Guys, I ve been having internet issues lately and thats why I ve been offline for sometime. In todays video I ve shared how we went about exploring puzzles and other activities during the summer breaks. Click Here to watch the video Puzzle guide for Toddlers and Preschoolers For Prekindergarten and above: We like Toykraft activity kits Finger painting

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