Book Review: Home Education Series:Charlotte Mason – Volume 3 – School Education – Part 2

Volume 3 deals with teaching children between 9-12 Years
In Volume 3 Charlotte Mason Talks about:
1.Need for Inactivity on the part of the teacher and encourages parents to trust themselves more
2.The method by which the children are educated – by using living books and things(hands on activities)
3.On how to identify a living book
4.On allowing the living books to lead the child
5.On how an exam is conducted
What is a Living book:
A Living book is a well written book written by an author who is passionate on the subject.
The Living book is a memorable book which becomes a part of your memory without intentionally memorizing it.
Few examples:Discovery of India by Jawahar Lal Nehru
The Disappearing Spoon by Sam Kean.
Allowing the Living book to lead the child:
Children who are taught to love reading are the ones who keep up the habit:
Oral Lesson’s should be very few: