BlogShare 8th Aug 2014

I m very thankful to Erin from The Humbled Homemaker for introducing me to “Kat Lee’s :Inspired to Action.Com” Pod casts.This is a great Pod cast for Moms.I love Kat Lee’s encouragement and love listening to her interviews of other moms. She is truly a blessing.You can also find Focus on the Family,Let my people Think by Ravi Zacharias,In touch with Dr.Charles Stanley.Pod casts are great distraction when you’re doing chores that you least like.
I tried this Mango Kesari( dessert) introduced by my friend Malar from Malars’s Kitchen.Im in love with her Vegan Recipes which has renewed my love for veggies.Click Here
Are you looking for ways to practically teach your children to serve the neighbors,community,the world.Are you a mom trying to nurture their hearts to service.Check out these interesting and realistic ideas and grab the ones that fit your home. Click Here.
One Of My Favorite Articles of the week.Though this article Talks in perspective with boys.Moms of Daughters ,I encourage you to read too.We hold a precious key inside our home.
Inside my home there just might be an answer to the world’s greatest problem. Or there might just be a future father/mother who loves a child well, and changes the entire course of a generation to come. Either way, I’m inspired just by thinking about the possibilities for my home?
” – Brooke
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