BlogShare 8th Aug 2014

I m very thankful to Erin from The Humbled Homemaker for introducing me to “Kat Lee’s :Inspired to Action.Com” Pod casts.This is a great Pod cast for Moms.I love Kat Lee’s  encouragement and love listening to her interviews of other moms. She is truly a blessing.You can also find Focus on the Family,Let my people Think by Ravi Zacharias,In touch with Dr.Charles Stanley.Pod casts are great

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BlogShare 4th July 2014

I want to share this testimony “The Story I Didn’t Want” by this amazing mom Click Here Be Encouraged Mom Click Here Interested in container gardening this summer check out Click Here This was one of my favorite articles of the week,”Cheating On My Husband With Jack Bauer Of “24″”.we all struggle with our own personal Jack Bauer mine was a Raman Bhalla(Of

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BlogShare May 28th 2013

Hey moms interested in a free Complete Knife Skills class check out Craftsy,I think this is pretty interesting,helps speed up in the kitchen Click Here Checkout this valuable advice on “THE WOMAN OF YOUR  HUSBAND’S DREAMS”  Click Here Looking for good Christian books on marriage Click here Home Remedy Summer Tip:Having trouble with pimples or boils due to the summer heat.Add water

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BlogShare 5th May 2014

Two Superb Articles that I read this week: 1.Clutter Busters:I loved this one.Disinfecting door knobs and clean out your drains were 2 new learnings for me.This post inspired me to clean. check it out :).Click Here 2.I loved Shauna Wallace’s Series on Twelve Targets of Proverbs 31 Woman:An amazing writer with real life examples.One of the Targets that truly moved

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