FAMILY favorite games – Pandemic – BOARD/CARD

Recommended : Family Fun
So thought I d share a few games we loved as a family. As the boys got older it has made us to invest in some quality family fun with board games and card games. I recommend watching the video for more explanation. I am not an affiliate, all opinions shared are my very own.
Uno – Simple game for Kindergartners and adults.Card game played based on Color with fun cards like Skip, Reverse,Wild to change color and Draw + 2
Jenga – Simple game for Preschoolers where the object of the game is not to topple the tower.
Candy Land – Simple board game for Preschoolers which uses color cards instead of dice.
Hungry Hippo – Mechanical game of hippos the winner is the one whose hippo grabs the most balls .
Connect Four -Winner Connects 4 coins continuously in horizontal or vertical or diagonal manner.
Newtons Tree – Simple game for Preschoolers where the object of the game is not to topple the tree.
Sketch it – Simple read and draw and guess game for young children.
Guess 10 Animals – Guess the animal in ten questions to win the card .
Polar Plunge – Simple game where loser drops the polar bear into the water.
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