Book Review : Indian History:Rulers of India: Lord Clive by George Bruce Malleson

Recommendation: High School The Rulers of India was a biographical book series edited by William Wilson Hunter and published from the Clarendon Press, Oxford,now not in print.You can get it on kindle or from the archives. Robert Clive is a important figure of Indian history,as he was the one to bring Bengal under the rule of East Indian Company. His

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Book Review:English Literature: David Copperfield by Charles Dickens

Recommendation:High School Considered by Mr.Dickens as his very favorite book.An interesting book which features many incidents from Dickens life and that is what got me interested in this book,the chance to understand dickens. The story follows the life  and making of David Copperfield from childhood to maturity. His childhood,friendships,mentors,career and marriages.All in all a book that shows everyday life’s thoughts

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Book Review: Science: A Short History of Nearly Everything – BILL BRYSON

Recommended:Middle School and High School In the school hour rush I didn’t have much time to actually pay details to the history behind them.This book really helped in rectifying that. A much needed book to understand the history of prominent scientific discoveries and it does it in laymen terms. My favorite part of the book was the calculation of the

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Book Review: Literature: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde -Robert Louis Stevenson

Recommended:High school I read this book as a part of my horror fiction  reads.A book that showed me how powerful words could be in creating a chilling effect.Jekyll and Hyde a beautiful book that shows the struggle in every man between good and evil inside him. The Story is said from the view of Gabriel John Utterson who is apprised

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Book review: Literature : North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell

Recommended: Middle School,High SchoolA good book to understand the industrial revolution and perspectives of mill owners and workers in a fictional industrializing city. Click here to Watch the video Click Here to Buy the Book The novel is set in the fictional industrial town of Milton in the north of England.Margaret Hale leaves her rural setting and moves to settles

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Book Review:Children’s Literature: Little Men~ Louisa May Alcott

Recommended:Moms,Middle School and High School Little Men, or Life at Plumfield with Jo’s Boys, is a novel by American author Louisa May Alcott, published in 1871.The Story begins at Jo Bhaer’s (Formerly Jo March from Little Women by Louisa )  Plumfield Estate School were we get introduced to Nat Blake who is waiting to get admitted into the school.The book

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