Vacation(Summertime) Activities – India – A guide to puzzles

Hello Guys, I ve been having internet issues lately and thats why I ve been offline for sometime. In todays video I ve shared how we went about exploring puzzles and other activities during the summer breaks. Click Here to watch the video Puzzle guide for Toddlers and Preschoolers For Prekindergarten and above: We like Toykraft activity kits Finger painting

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Christmas Tree Craft

December to me is Christmas.And so we begin with the Christmas tree craft. Needed: Colorful Pompoms(I used 4) Any Foam stickers(Found the candy cane and sweet stickers for less than a dollar) A Star (cut out from Red paper) A Brown cardboard/paper(for the trunk) A paper plate(I painted this with metallic green) 3 light green tissue paper Ribbons Instructions: 1.Cut the Paper plate into 3

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