Being Mom,Stepping Out Of the Comfort Zone – Part 1

When I traded my crisply ironed formal suits and formal footwear for a loose t shirt,workout pants and sneakers. I stepped into this phase with much reluctance ,much anxiety and stress over our financial situation. My life before motherhood was mechanical and simple. Wake up,Eat,Go to Work,Eat,Relax,Eat and Sleep.See how simple.Nothing complicated .God always fitted in some corner in this

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Memories on the Empty Porch

 This Summer I’ve been very interested in container gardening.So I got all prepped up,read many articles on them.And I got my first plant,soil,shovel,watering can!So you get it,all excitement! And then all my big plans came crashing. Because the most important thing for my plant to grow was amiss.Any guesses. Sunlight!My house is constructed as such that only light floods through my

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Walking the Humble Walk

Judgement,It’s easy to pass on someone very easily.And at one point have ourselves been the target of anothers judgement.The lord knows I’ve suffered from being judgemental more often than not. Just this other day, off went my mouth,my dear husband Mr.Wise,made sure he quickly interjected and got me to realise it.My defense,I didn’t say it to that person, just to

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Motherhood Series:MOTHERS DAY

(DISCLAIMER: This blog is not for profit. All images and videos used below are property of their respective companies unless stated otherwise. I do not claim ownership of this material.)HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MOMMA. We read many articles on how great being a mom is.When we read through them we have this joy which lasts prob a week,then there are those

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Winds of Change — Motherhood– From being Working professional to Stay At Home Mom

Nobody can prepare a mom for the on slaught that begins when she turns into a mom..Her whole world turns upside down.. She no longer has that gorgeous body she once about an extra 25 pounds.. The unfamiliar sensation of lactation. The sleep deprivation that she could never imagine in her wildest dreams. Her constant googling for every sneeze

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