Art Fun and Prewriting skills for Little hands – Agewise

Art is a wonderful way to have fun, it is also a wonderful way to prepare little hands for prewriting skills. For writing skill to be developed the child should develop pincer grip,the art of picking up an item with your thumb and index finger Toddlers: 1- 2 yrs My first crayola:12 months. I allowed my baby to scribble everyday

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Some good Youtube learning for kids

Watching TV which is educational benefits and also relaxes.Here are a few we love at our home Mother Goose Club: Loved their videos vivid,clear and eye catching videos.They are absolute favorite for nursery rhymes.And the best part is it has less animation. Dream English: Our favorite learning materials are ones done by Dream English.The videos are very kid friendly,unique and

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All about Puzzles: Personally at our home we love Puzzles.They are a great way to teach children,hand eye coordination and also very handy for educational purpose. Giant Knob Puzzles: When my son turned a year old.We started him of on Knob Puzzles.These are easier for the toddler to hold.Also these come with a limited number of pieces minimum 3 to

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