Winds of Change — Motherhood– From being Working professional to Stay At Home Mom

Nobody can prepare a mom for the on slaught that begins when she turns into a mom..Her whole world turns upside down..
She no longer has that gorgeous body she once about an extra 25 pounds..
The unfamiliar sensation of lactation.
The sleep deprivation that she could never imagine in her wildest dreams.
Her constant googling for every sneeze that comes out of her newborn.
The sense of fear, anxiety,no accomplishment for those that leave their professional life behind.
For those moms out there..they’d probably say “Been there , done that”.But reading another persons honest thoughts through a blog helped me to understand its okay to be human meaning confused…
One of the primary reasons I started out to blog was to help by the grace of god those confused souls that were as lost as I was.
When I was quit my job to become full time mom I was an experienced professional of 6 years.The insecurity of being dependent on my husband was overwhelming.note..i have to say my husband is a fabulous guy..he has always been supportive.Growing up in an extremely dysfunctional family tends to make you an extreme control freak.Between my husband and mom both opinionated towards me  being a working mom.I had to say those days did take a huge toll on me..
So how did I arrive to where I am right now.A STAY AT HOME MOM.
1.God has a purpose and plan for my life.I needed to trust him to do just that..In a way through my husband..To let go of my past , a remember my husband is not my dysfunctional family.
2.God is love. When god gave me my little boy. He didn’t give him to a nanny or a day care provider .He gave him to me..So he could have all my love and attention.Nobody could be mommy but just me.

Now i know not everybody gets to be a stay at home..My heart goes to those moms that don’t have a choice and must go back to work  to support their young ones due to desperate circumstances.
3.When we follow gods will in our life..god sends reinforcements along the way to guide us.On the days were my carnal needs overcome my sense of duty ..Those days god has never failed to show himself..through a bible reading or an encouraging blog.
4.Most importantly learning to be grateful to god for putting you in a place where you have had this blessed opportunity to be with your little one.
My advice to new moms.
Taking time to read the bible and learning the will of god was the only thing that kept my mind at peace.Even 10 mins with gods word makes a difference.
Jeremiah 29:11(NIV)
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.