When Motherhood has its moments! The Potty training Challenge!

Up until this point in my life I have loved every part of my motherhood.
The joy to be apart of my child’s life.
To watch every single moment.To Enjoy their days.
Up until the Day It dawned on me that I needed to start potty training.
I have to say I have never been a more frazzled than as I go through this phase of parenting.
Going to the potty every 30 mins in a 8AM to 6 PM day,makes the day quite a long one.
Even the stress of my previous job’s never ever affected as did this potty training.
6 dirty undies in less than an 2 hour!6!The first week was so non accident prone then came the accidents,they came without any warning and at unexpected hours ,especially right after we came from the restroom.
An usual cool me became an angry monster mom.
The yelling,the whacking the unkindness seem to have become me.
I came across this verse which was an eye opener.
Isaiah 40:11
He will tend his flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs in his arms; He will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young.
Reading this verse reminded me of the phase in my life as a new mom as the lord led me through his will,the adjustments,to learn this new unfamiliar phase in my life and body.Being lead in gentleness ,patience and reassurance by the lord through his word.
The verse made me realize,I was not leading my child as how Christ would have led me,with gentleness.
I thank god for his early intervention in my life.
We still have a long way before we potty train.
Yes we are still going to go through these long training days,I will still have to clean up the house n times a day.I ll still have a load of laundry to do.Pee or poop on furniture I wouldn’t want ruined.
My prayer for myself or any other mom out there in my shoes,that we lead our young ones with gentleness.And to realize, that the laundry can be done,messes can be cleaned,but anger over trivial things can take time to heal.Lord help us to be more like you.Amen.
Note Update:
I wrote this note a few months ago.Today my little one is potty trained by grace .Yes truthfully by grace.
Although I put 10% effort, the lord seems to be the one moving the 90% in my little ones life.
Tip:Being relaxed and taking potty training in a stride than being obsessed by it,actually helped us to train easily.