Prayer:For Patience
Father God,We ask for Patience as we deal with our children.Help us to discipline them lovingly even when we don’t want to.In Jesus Name.Amen.
Read moreA Mom making a Difference through Grace
Father God,We ask for Patience as we deal with our children.Help us to discipline them lovingly even when we don’t want to.In Jesus Name.Amen.
Read moreHey Sweet Moms, I m a firm believer in the power of prayer. I m going to begin a new series this month.And dedicate it wholly to prayer.Its going to be called Prayer September. I will be posting a prayer a day and we can meditate on that prayer point for the day :).Simple. The prayer points will be for
Read moreFather God,We ask that you help us to love our children well. We ask that our children will always remember that they are loved by you and their parents. In Jesus Name.Amen.
Read moreHere is where I will stop with big Comma ‘,’. And that is why I have titled this post A Story in Progress. I m learning on this journey god is taking me,Its full of surprises. Growing me as I go day by Day. Pushing forward with my biggest goal and vision ,at my days end, to be called by him
Read moreI think the most important lesson Parenting has taught me is Humility. It has been many a times through my patient Husband,I’ve learnt this lesson. More than I can count, grace and help has been extended to this exhausted mom. Forgiveness for a rash word, given with mercy. The Spendthrift who takes her card out without a second thought and
Read moreParenting has made me realize how selfish I can be.I think that was my first discovery. Every Quote across the Internet talks about the selfless love of a Mother. But now being a Mom,I seriously doubt it. My mom for me always was,but me,I can hardly ever consider myself selfless. From this place started Godly Indian Mom,my search to find what were gods thoughts
Read moreWhen I traded my crisply ironed formal suits and formal footwear for a loose t shirt,workout pants and sneakers. I stepped into this phase with much reluctance ,much anxiety and stress over our financial situation. My life before motherhood was mechanical and simple. Wake up,Eat,Go to Work,Eat,Relax,Eat and Sleep.See how simple.Nothing complicated .God always fitted in some corner in this
Read moreThought Ill post a few summer activities before summer ends 🙂 My friend Mathy suggested Water beads and I thought this would be great idea to build an ocean sensory box. Needed: Blue Water Beads Blue Pebbles Blue Food Color Sea Creatures Procedure: I soaked the water beads for 12 hours,to grow them really big. Add All Of them in
Read moreI know ,half the people are wondering WHAT does she mean by ‘Keeping accounts’?I thought it was the other way around, that when you don’t keep accounts you have a great marriage. Well to make myself clear.I think its important to keep notes/account of all the great things our husbands do for us. This is something that works for our
Read moreI was reading” The Pastors Wife” by Sabina Wurmbrand,when this particular incident caught my attention.Sabina Wurmbrand was a wife of a Pastor,she was imprisoned in a communist prison for her faith.In Prison there was this woman,praising and hoping on a wrong higher Official, even though Sabina knew this Official was not deserving of such an adulation.She Kept mum and didnot voice her
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