Being Mom,Parenting,The Story Behind – Part 2

Parenting has made me realize how selfish I can be.I think that was my first discovery. Every Quote across the Internet talks about the selfless love of a Mother. But now being a Mom,I seriously doubt it. My mom for me always was,but me,I can hardly ever consider myself selfless. From this place started Godly Indian Mom,my search to find what were gods thoughts

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Being Mom,Stepping Out Of the Comfort Zone – Part 1

When I traded my crisply ironed formal suits and formal footwear for a loose t shirt,workout pants and sneakers. I stepped into this phase with much reluctance ,much anxiety and stress over our financial situation. My life before motherhood was mechanical and simple. Wake up,Eat,Go to Work,Eat,Relax,Eat and Sleep.See how simple.Nothing complicated .God always fitted in some corner in this

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Winning a sister/friend by losing an argument!

I was reading” The Pastors Wife” by Sabina Wurmbrand,when this particular incident caught my attention.Sabina Wurmbrand was a wife of a Pastor,she was imprisoned in a communist prison for her faith.In Prison there was this woman,praising and hoping on a wrong higher Official, even though Sabina knew this Official was not deserving of such an adulation.She Kept mum and didnot voice her

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A Simple Veggie Meal Plan

Half the time ,I’m thinking what veggies did I cook last week ;), forgetfulness. So I wanted to make a healthy meal plan,with my toddler now growing into childhood. Got me thinking ,this would be a great time to get organized and develop good eating habits. I have adapted this plan from my mother ,who followed something similar ,we always had 2-3 vegetables in the week

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Indo Chinese Potato

I had this for the first time at my friend Indu’s place.And now this recipe has become part and parcel of my household.Spicy and Tangy it compliments Rice,Rotis and Tortillas Ingredients: 1 Large Potato Cubed 1 handful of chopped onion 1/4 tsp Mustard seeds 1/2 tsp Urad Daal 2-3 tbsp oil 1 tbsp Soy sauce 1 tbsp Balsamic vinegar/vinegar 1 tbsp SriRacha/

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Memories on the Empty Porch

 This Summer I’ve been very interested in container gardening.So I got all prepped up,read many articles on them.And I got my first plant,soil,shovel,watering can!So you get it,all excitement! And then all my big plans came crashing. Because the most important thing for my plant to grow was amiss.Any guesses. Sunlight!My house is constructed as such that only light floods through my

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