Book review: English Literature: An Old Fashioned girl by Louisa May Alcott

Watch Review Recommended :  High school, Young Adults, Adults Louisa May Alcott is currently my very favorite author. Her writing tells compelling stories with hidden gems of wisdom. As a parent I prize character training highly and Louisa May Alcott books does that with an engrossing plot. A sweet story about an old fashioned girl Polly Milton  who prizes old

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Book Review : India: Science: History : Early Indians by Tony Joseph

Watch Review Recommended: Adults and Young Adults. An interesting book which  has tried to explains why we have so many different languages , different traditions . After all it would not be a brainer when we move through India. History of wars and an extremely old sub continent without doubt brings in migrations ,displacements ,borrowed ideas , languages and this

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Book Review: Living Homeschool: History(India): Discovery of India – Jawaharlal Nehru

Click to watch Review Buy Book Recommended Age: High school, Young Adult, Adult A must read book for anyone who wants to truly understand India and the thought process that went into making it. The quintessential book for all Indians. The book was written during one of Nehru ji prison tenure for freedom struggle. He talks about India’s glorious past

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