Book Review: LITERATURE: Tale of Two Cities By Charles Dickens

Recommended : High school,Young Adults, Adults A good book to learn about the French revolution.A moving tale that helps to understand what went into the making of the revolution and the reign of terror.It  helps to sympathize on both sides.A classic for a good reason. The story follows the lives of Sidney Carton,Charles Darnay and  Lucie  Manette and how they become a part of the revolution. Click Here to watch the

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Book Review: Childrens Literature: Jack and Jill by Louisa May Alcott

Recommended : Middle school,High school,Young Adults, Adults Louisa May Alcott is currently my very favorite author.Her book tells compelling stories with hidden gems of wisdom.As a parent, I prize character training highly and Louisa May Alcott books does that with an engrossing plot.This book gives a good insight into the heart of homeschooling. Jack and Jill is tale of two

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Living Homeschool History(India):Book Review: A Brush with Indian ART by Mamta Nainy

Recommended age: 8 years and up An interesting book to understand Indian art and the history behind the art.A great book for both adults and children.Contains maps and information on museums where one can find the art of particular era and dynasty. Begins with the cave paintings in Madhya Pradesh to the European style paintings during British era.It contains beautiful

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BOOK REVIEW: YOUng ADULT LITERATURE: Rose in a Bloom by Louisa May Alcott

Recommended age: High Schoolers ,Young Adults and Parents Click Here to see the Review Rose in a bloom is a clean young adult romance,that’s what makes this book endearing.The story follows Rose Campbell from eight cousins as a young adult, Her choices and aspirations and her finally meeting her prince charming. Young adult phase is truly one very confusing in

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Homeschool History(India):Book review:A Children’s History of India by Subhadra Sen Gupta

Recommended age: 8 years and up Beautiful book to explain Indian history to a young child.It contains maps, drawings , fascinating information and links to additional information on each topic. Subhadra Sen Gupta does a wonderful job of captivating a young child’s imagination ,narrating history in a manner that would be understandable for a young children.I thoroughly enjoyed the concise

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Book Review: Children’s LITeratUre: Eight Cousins by Louisa May Alcott

Recommended age:Middle Schoolers ,High Schoolers and Parents Eight cousins is a heart warming tale about a healthy and happy Rose Campbell who is raised by her uncle Dr.Alex Campbell on unorthodox ideas of child rearing.The story revolves around the parenting of this little girl and her adventures with her cousins. As with all Louisa may Alcott books,the story is entertained

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Book Review:Children’s Literature: Princess and the Goblin – George MacDonald

Princess and the goblin is a good fit for elementary schoolers. This lovely classic book brings out bravery courage and character very beautifully.This book opens up a child’s imagination,this also was a book that inspired J.R.R .Tolkien (The author of The Lord of the Rings). The story begins in a kingdom where there is an ongoing conflict between the goblins

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