Banana Cinnamon Oatmeal

My son loves Gerber Toddler Oatmeal’s,so this got me thinking why not make this fresh at home. Ingredients:1/2 banana chopped into small pieces1 handful instant oats2 cups water1 tsp cinnamon1/4 tsp saltSugar to taste Banana Cinnamon Oatmeal Procedure:1.Boil the water2.Add the rest of the ingredients and cook as per oatmeal instructions

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BlogShare 5th May 2014

Two Superb Articles that I read this week: 1.Clutter Busters:I loved this one.Disinfecting door knobs and clean out your drains were 2 new learnings for me.This post inspired me to clean. check it out :).Click Here 2.I loved Shauna Wallace’s Series on Twelve Targets of Proverbs 31 Woman:An amazing writer with real life examples.One of the Targets that truly moved

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Tangy bitter gourd/gariela sabzi

Bitter gourd has been one of my favorite dishes.So I found this recipe during one of my experimentation.My husband who is not a big fan of bitter gourd actually had a second serving.I have successfully integrated bitter gourd into our home menu.This recipe totally nullifies the bitterness of the bitter gourd. Ingredients: 1/2 chopped onion 1 chopped tomato 2 medium

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Pom Pom Fun — Toddler Busy Bag

15 Months: 1.Stuff the Pom Pom:I used a to go container and drilled a single hole on top of it.My little one loves this activity,it can keep him quiet busy.This develops fine motor skills and the pincer grip.I usually supervise him as he tends put it into his mouth. 2.Counting/Color Sorting Pompoms:I got these cute containers at dollar store.I stuffed

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Moms Famous Tomato Chicken

This dish brings fond memories of my childhood.This is a dish which was a family favorite and was prepared often.Fondly this recipe has also gotten me an accolade.It is one very easy and go to dish.My mother is an excellent cook.I have tried my best to emulate this recipe. Ingredients:2 tbsp oil1 yellow onion chopped2 tomato chopped1 tbsp ginger garlic

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Favorite Educational Books Part 2

(DISCLAIMER: This blog is not for profit. All images used are property of their respective companies unless stated otherwise. I do not claim ownership of this material.) 12 Months: 1.Flip Books:My son loves these suprise books.And loves to get surprised with the animal inside the flap.This is one of our travel books.I keep them handy.A book that can also tell

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Sufferings in Christ

Our Family is currently going through a a crisis with sickness.My grandad’s who is more my dad,is currently undergoing a deterioration of his respiratory functions.About last week he collapsed with the doctors giving us the definite time.This incident shook our family and left us all in tears.We almost lost hope and were preparing and consoling each other for the dreaded

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