Hands on Maths – 3 Fun Ways to learn Number Association

Number association is an important skill that needs to be mastered,before the child can learn other basic maths operations such as addition ,subtraction etc. 1.Counting through hop scotch and blocks. Needed: Hopscotch board blocks I made this simple hopscotch board using tape to work on number association. Nothing works more effective than when you engage the child’s entire body .

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Dear all, Excited to share with you the site’s new Youtube Channel! The site will bring its regular posts as always with videologs when time permits. My first videolog is about homeschooling options in India.Hope you find it informational. You can also Click on the link below to watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIP8TUF5yEw Links to information discussed on the video: NIOS

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New Facebook group – Early childhood – Hands on learning

Dear all, I have created a closed Facebook group : Early childhood – Hands on learning https://www.facebook.com/groups/367800463618789/ This will target learning through play and hands on learning. Here are few of my beliefs: Fun and learning should be accessible and affordable to every child. Early learning setsup our children for success. And that there is no such thing as too

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