Healthy Green Drink

This drink is a courtesy our cousin Thilaga Akka.Healthy,tasty and refreshing.Thank you Thilaga akka. Needed:1/2 Cucumberbaby spinach handfulCelery sticks 1/2 handful1 green apple1 pearginger small pieceJuice of 1/2 limeTender coconut water 1 cup Procedure:Beat all above ingredient in mixer.I strained out the pulp and had just the juice Optional – Add Sugar/Honey to make it sweeter.

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Insect craft

We did this for the weird animals VBS.I selected a craft Dash could also be a part of. One of the best activities for younger toddlers is anything involving gluing. Needed: Color Paper for the insect body(Green) Cardboard(I used from a cereal box,I love hoarding these,they always come in handy) Small bits of color paper(they don’t have to be perfect

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The Real Secrets behind the Happily Ever After – The Shrek Series

Do I write this because I m doing it right with my happily ever after. Definitely Not,I m guilty as charged on many of these points and a work in progress :).Being Mom comes instantaneously.But being a great wife, I m always left feeling short on the measuring stick.As we watched the Shrek series this week,I gleaned many life truths. To me the Shrek series

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