Mondays!A Fresh Start!

I Love Mondays! They truly are my favorite day of the week.To be honest I look forward to it.So that I can get back to my routines.One of my favorite chore is cleaning my house.Your probably thinking WHAT!!Cleaning the house!Again I don’t want to look like a saint/perfectionist for this remark,to be honest this chore is scheduled only for Monday,If

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Ship Craft

This Craft was inspired from Byron Bartons “Ships”,which we’ve been reading all week. Required:Craft sticks 2,Paper Plates 2 You need one Paper Plate to make the sea. Another Plate to make the boat bottom,sails and windows.Glue the sails to the craft sticks My little one helped to color the boat with crayons.And glued all the pieces together.      

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Color Magnetic Sorter — Toddler Busy Bag

16 Months: Needed:Acrylic paintGerber CapsButton MagnetsCookie Baking SheetCardstock (To make the Color Coded Sheet) My son has been fascinated with magnets.So this inspired me to make this toy. I used the leftover caps from his snack,i always thought they were so cute and they’d make a good candidate for game pieces. (DISCLAIMER: This blog is not for profit. Image used

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Forgiveness, this was the focus of our Sunday sermon.Even though I have read the bible many a times this particular parable has never caught my attention as it did now. I have always felt a person is entitled to forgive or not to forgive.Many a times my thoughts have mirrored the words of the song Losing by  Tenth Avenue North.

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Homemade Stamps – Toddler Busy Bag

18 Months: Needed:Bottle CapsFoam StickersRed foam for the Heart StampInk Pad My lil boy has been really interested in arts and crafts these days,so this was truly a great activity for  us. I made the circle and flower stamps from foam stickers got in target(used 2 flower stickers,2 circle stickers).the Heart Stamp was handmade cut from some leftover foam(2 Hearts).And

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Favorite Educational Toys Part 4

As parents we want toys that can teach.The ‘Favorite Educational Toys’ segment is targeted towards intentional parenting. 13 Months:Mega Building Blocks:These are truly my son’s favorite,They can keep him entertained for at least 30 minutes while I finish my cooking 🙂 .I think these are great to start kids on independent play.Also I love that we can count as we stack

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Surviving Or Thriving

This week I was reading through an article which talked about surviving /coping.This got me thinking about what it means to Live our life to the Fullest. The Meaning of Survive and Thrive as per the dictionary are: Survive:sur·viveverbcontinue to live or exist, especially in spite of danger or hardship. Thrive:thriveTHrīv/Submitprosper; flourish.verb(of a child, animal, or plant) grow or develop

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Beginner Workouts

It is not only food that nourishes our body but also fitness.Till I had my son,fitness was something that I never gave thought too.Our Children truly bring out the best in us.While my son turned 8 months thats when I started taking things seriously.I wanted to write a post on my favorite workout videos so it could inspire you to

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Craft Stick – Create the Shape – Toddler Busy Bag

17 Months: Needed:CardstockAcrylic PaintCraft SticksVelcro circlesFelt circles My little boy is still too young for this activity but we are a work in progress on this activity.  I drew a Large Rectangle,Square,Diamond and Triangle on the cardstock paper.Color Coded the Craft sticks with regards to the color of their shape.Glued velcro circles to one end of the stick and felt

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